Public consultation 01/10 on the draft BEREC Work Programme 2010

Run from 9 February to 10 March 2010

In compliance with Article 5 (4) of Regulation (EC) 1211/2009, the Board of Regulators has to approve the annual work programme of BEREC after consulting all interested parties in accordance with Article 17 of the same Regulation.

In that respect on 9 February 2010 BEREC published its first draft annual work programme for 2010 for public consultation, which lasted until 2 March 2010.

In the period of the consultation BEREC received 8 individual contributions from: ARD; Corning; ECTA; ETNO; INTUG; The Number; Vodafone and VON Europe.

Following the closing of the consultation period BEREC analysed the contributions and prepared a final version of its 2010 Work Programme, which can be consulted here.

You can download the history of the whole public consultation here.