Full list of BEREC public consultations closed in 2015

In 2015 BEREC organised 7 public consultations, which were managed by the BEREC Office, as follows:

PC No Start End Topic Documents subject to consultations No of contributions
PC 01/15 4 December, 2014 25 January, 2015 Oligopoly analysis and regulation Draft BEREC Report on Oligopoly analysis and regulation - Questions to stakeholders       21
PC 02/15 8 June, 2015 10 July, 2015 Layer 2 Wholesale Access Products in the European Union Draft BEREC Report on Common Characteristics of Layer 2 Wholesale Access Products in the European Union   14
PC 03/15 10 June, 2015 1 August, 2015 Oligopoly analysis and regulation Draft BEREC Report on Oligopoly analysis and regulation    20
PC 04/15 2 October, 2015 30 October, 2015 Equivalent access and choice for disabled end-users Up-dated draft BEREC Report on equivalent access and choice for disabled end-users    20
PC 05/15 2 October, 2015 30 October, 2015 BEREC Work Programme Draft BEREC Work Programme 2016;   14
PC 06/15 5 October, 2015 2 November, 2015 OTT services Draft BEREC Report on OTT services    19
PC 07/15 5 October, 2015 6 November, 2015 Internet of Things Draft BEREC Report on the Enabling the Internet of Things    21