Call for inputs regarding set-up of a database of numbering ranges for value-added services and of a database of means of access to emergency services for roaming users
On 13 April 2022, Regulation (EU) 2022/612 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 April 2022 on roaming on public mobile communications networks within the Union was published. According to Article 16 of this Regulation, BEREC is required to establish and maintain a database of numbering ranges for value-added services and a database of means of access to emergency services by 31 December 2022.
Regarding the database of numbering ranges for value-added services, BEREC has been maintaining since 2019 a list of VAS/premium number ranges in the EU in order to help address fraud issues in a roaming scenario where visited networks find themselves unable to identify premium rate numbers abroad in the EU. This list is available on the BEREC website. BEREC is actively considering implementing updates, if/where necessary, to this list of VAS/premium number ranges as one of the possible options to meet the abovementioned requirement (for a database of VAS numbering ranges) emanating from the new Roaming Regulation.
In line with the Regulation, BEREC will develop the databases in the second half of 2022 and will establish the procedure for filling them in.
As a first step, BEREC has launched the call inviting all interested stakeholders to provide their inputs related to the following questions:
Database of numbering ranges for value-added services
- What kind of technical specifications should the database include? In what formats (i.e.: .xls; .xlsx; .csv; xml etc.) should the database make information available to the stakeholders?
- Would a machine-readable format, such as an Excel file bearing all relevant information be fit for purpose?
- Which interfaces are needed, for you, to be made aware when there are changes in the database?
- How frequently are you planning to get access to the database? (i.e.: checking the database weekly/fortnightly/monthly)
- Have you ever used the BEREC list of the VAS/premium number ranges? If yes, how often and in which way have you used it?
- Do you have any other information regarding VAS that can be provided on a voluntary basis (such as cost information, proven fraud, etc.)?
Database of means of access to emergency services
- What kind of technical specifications should the database include? In what format (i.e.: .xls; .csv; xml etc.) should the database make information available to the stakeholders?
- Would a machine-readable format, such as an Excel file bearing all relevant information be fit for purpose?
- Which interfaces are needed, for you, to be made aware when there are changes in the database?
- How frequently are you planning to get access to the database? (i.e.: checking the database weekly/fortnightly/monthly).
Stakeholders were invited to submit their inputs via EU survey portal (direct link - or by email to by 13 May 2022 COB.
All inputs were taken into account with a view to defining the databases.
Please note that BEREC did not intend to provide individual responses to inputs received or publish stakeholder inputs.