Call for inputs for the preparation of the 5G Value Chain report

Deadline for submission of stakeholders' inputs is extended till 14 February 2022 close of business.

Following the organisation of the BEREC 5G Workshop in June 2021 and the publication of the workshop report - the Report on the Diversification of the 5G Ecosystem adopted by the BEREC Board of Regulators on 9 December 2021, the BEREC will be taking a deeper look at the 5G Value Chain, with the aim of publishing a report on this topic by the end of the year 2022.

The objective of the 5G Value Chain report is to provide a high-level understanding of the 5G Value Chain addressing the following aspects:

  • The 5G Ecosystem: key partners in the supply chain and key partners in the demand side;
  • The 5G Value Propositions: to the various 5G verticals and the wider society. It will also look at the value proposition which new entrants will bring to the 5G verticals and to key players in the supply side;
  • The cost structures and revenue streams: 5G is expected to bring about new partnerships and also new B2B and B2C relationships.

As a first step, the BEREC is launching a call inviting all interested stakeholders to provide their inputs on a set of questions related to this topic – the 5G Value Chain.

All stakeholders are invited to submit their inputs via EU survey portal (direct link - or by email to [email protected] .

Please note that BEREC does not intend to provide individual responses to inputs received or publish stakeholder inputs. Contributions should be sent preferably in English.