Call for input about the review of the European Commission Implementing Regulation on the Fair Use Policy and Sustainability of the Roaming Regulation
In July 2022, BEREC received a request from the European Commission to provide an opinion on the Commission Implementing Regulation on the Fair Use Policy and Sustainability of the Roaming Regulation. BEREC is requested to respond to the Commission’s questions and especially to take into account the requirements of the Roaming Regulation laid down in Article 7(2) and (3) and in recitals 28-30. As an input for the analysis to be included in the BEREC Opinion, BEREC will use the data collected for the BEREC Roaming Data Report in autumn 2022, as well as data BEREC has collected since the implementation of RLAH.
The Opinion will be sent to the Commission by the end of Q1 2023 and will be used by the Commission for its report on the evaluation of the Commission Implementing Regulation.
BEREC is asking interested parties to send their inputs about the functioning of the Commission Implementing Regulation on the Fair Use Policy and Sustainability of the Roaming Regulation and their suggestions for improvements/changes taking especially into account the requirements of the Roaming Regulation laid down in Article 7(2) and (3) and in recitals 28-30.
Please send your inputs to the following mailbox [email protected] by 5 December 2022 CoB.
Please note that BEREC does not intend to provide individual responses or publish stakeholder inputs.