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09 November 2007

9 November 2007
The European Regulators Group (ERG) website was migrated to the new URL: Please update your bookmarks accordingly.

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05 November 2007

5 November 2007
In addition to the consultation of the I/ERG Work Programme 2008 a Public Hearing will be held in Brussels on 20 November 2007 from 11h00 until 14h00.  The hearing is open to all interested...

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23 October 2007

23 October 2007
Following the ERG 22nd Plenary Session held in Athens, Greece, 11-12 October 2007, there was a public debriefing held in Brussels on 23 October 2007. Please find here the presentation from the ERG Chair....

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23 October 2007

23 October 2007 
Following the ERG 22nd Plenary Session held in Athens, Greece, 11-12 October 2007, please find attached here the Press Release issued today by the ERG.

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17 October 2007

17 October 2007
Following consultation in August-September, the ERG announces today the publication of the final version of its detailed data model specification.  In response to comments made by several respondents to the consultation, the ERG...

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15 October 2007

15 October 2007
Following the ERG 22nd Plenary Session which was held in Athens 11-12 October 2007 a Public Debriefing will be held in Brussels on 23 October 2007 from 11h30 until 14h00.  Please find...