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26 February 2008

28 February 2008
On the 27th of February 2008 the ERG Chairman, Dániel Pataki, gave a speech in the Industry Research & Energy Committee hearing on the Telecom package in the European Parliament.

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17 January 2008

17 January 2008
The ERG today publishes its first comprehensive data collection of international roaming since the implementation of the roaming Regulation. Data collected by the ERG shows a general trend of reduced roaming prices...

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08 December 2007

18 December 2007 
Following the 23rd ERG Plenary Meeting held in Rome, Italy, 6th to 7th December 2007, the ERG has today issued the attached press release. 
A public debriefing on the Plenary Meeting was held...

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07 December 2007

7 December 2007
Following the ERG 23rd Plenary Session held in Rome 6-7 December 2007 a public debriefing will be held in Brussels on 17 December 2007 from 15h00 until 16h30. The agenda of the...

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23 November 2007

23 November 2007
Please find here the presentation from Daniel Pataki, the IRG/ERG Chair 2008, given at the public hearing on the I/ERG Work Programme 2008 on 20 November 2007 in Brussels.

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13 November 2007

13 November 2007
Please find attached here the ERG press release concerning the European Commission's proposals on the reform of the EU Framework.  The related documents "ERG letter sent to Commissioner Viviane Reding" and "I/ERG Opinion on...