13 March 2024

BEREC at the IIC Europe Forum: Sustainability at the core of developing new technologies

Photo related to sustainability and technologies

During the keynote conversations at the International Institute for Communications Europe Forum (Telecommunications and Media Forum) on 12-13 March 2024, the BEREC Chair Tonko Obuljen (HAKOM, Croatia) emphasized the pivotal role of competition in driving market development and fostering innovation. He outlined that any anticipated changes in the current regulatory framework should respect those aspects for the benefit of end-users.

The keynote conversations also included discussions on the recommendations for policymakers regarding Artificial Intelligence. Tonko Obuljen emphasized the importance of considering sustainability while developing new technologies. The environmental impact and sustainability of Artificial Intelligence should also be evaluated:

“Many AI-based services could enable more sustainable solutions across the markets, but only if AI systems are themselves sustainable”
BEREC Chair Tonko Obuljen (HAKOM, Croatia)

Furthermore, the BEREC Vice-Chair, Kostas Masselos, contributed to a panel discussion exploring sustainable connectivity futures, focusing on aspects such as new infrastructure development, investment strategies, and competition dynamics.