19 September 2019

How to handle security within electronic communication and particular within 5G?

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This is one of the central topics of the panel discussions planned during the 7th BEREC Stakeholder Forum, open for registrations now. The event will take place on 16 October 2019 in Brussels.

Our main goal with the Stakeholder Forum is to develop engagement, collaboration and to create an open dialogue with stakeholders; therefore, we are continuing our tradition and organizing the 7th Stakeholder Forum in Brussels.

The half day event will focus on the cybersecurity in the context of 5G, more details on the specific panels please find in the draft Agenda. The forum will close with a network reception where everyone will be able to continue the discussions and share their thoughts, ideas and experiences with the BEREC team and other stakeholders.

BEREC - the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications invites all Stakeholders to participate in the event and use the opportunity to engage in the discussion on the future of telecommunications and interact with the current and incoming BEREC Chair on the draft BEREC Work Programme 2020.

The number of seats at the meeting venue is limited so we encourage you to register at your earliest convenience to ensure your participation. Deadline to register is 8 October, 2019. 
The conference is open to all stakeholders from the telecommunications, media and technology sectors, as well as to experts from international organizations and private companies. The 7th BEREC Stakeholder Forum will be live streamed on the BEREC website and the recording of the event will be shared after the conference.