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12th BEREC Plenary Meeting in Limassol

Event Date: 27 September 2012
Event Location: Limassol, Cyprus

The12th BEREC plenary meeting took place on 27 and 28 September 2012, in Limassol, kindly hosted by the Office of the Commissioner for Electronic Communications and Postal Regulation of the Republic of Cyprus (OCECPR).

The meeting was attended by high-level representatives of the National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) with primary responsibility for overseeing the day-to-day operation of the markets for electronic communications networks and services established in each EU Member State and the Commission. Representatives of the NRAs from the EFTA states and the states that are candidates for accession to the EU also took part in the meeting and were represented at high level.

The meeting was divided into 2 parts, namely: meeting of the Board of Regulators (27 and 28 September 2012) and meeting of the Management Committee of the BEREC Office (28 September 2012).

The mains results from the afore-mentioned meetings are, as follows:

Board of Regulators (BoR)

The BoR approved for publication and implementation the following documents:

1. BEREC Guidelines:

BEREC Guidelines on the application of Article 3 of the Roaming Regulation - wholesale roaming access

2. BEREC Opinions:

- Roaming Regulation – choice of the decoupling method: BEREC opinion on Article 5 Implementing Act

- BEREC Opinion on the draft revision of the EU Guidelines for the application of state aid rules in relation to the rapid deployment of broadband networks

3. BEREC Reports:

- Report on mobile broadband tariff benchmarking;

- Termination rates benchmark snapshot as of July 2012;

- BEREC Report on the Regulatory Accounting in Practice 2012;

- BEREC Report on the results from the public consultation on issues relating to non-discrimination;

- International Roaming - consultation on Article 3 Guidelines: Summary of responses received during the public consultation and BEREC view on the issues raised by stakeholders;

- Roaming Regulation - choice of the decoupling method: Summary of responses received during the public consultation and BEREC view on the issues raised by stakeholders.

4. BEREC mission statement

In addition to that BEREC approved its mission statement, as follows: “Committed to independent, consistent, high-quality regulation of electronic communications markets for the benefit of Europe and it´s citizens”.

5. Draft documents approved for public consultation:

- Draft 2013 BEREC Work Programme

- Review of BEREC’s common positions, namely:

Revised Common Position on Wholesale Local Access;

Revised Common Position on Wholesale Broadband Access;

Revised Common Position on Wholesale Leased Lines; and

A Glossary of terms to support the definition of terms used in all three Common Positions.

- Article 28(2) Universal Service Directive: A harmonised BEREC process: Draft consultation document.


Management Committee (MC) of the BEREC Office

The MC discussed the topics listed below and approved the following documents

I. Final documents approved by MC

1. MC Decisions

The MC approved for publication and implementation the following decisions:

·         Decision on the setting up of a Staff Committee at the BEREC Office;

·         Decision adopting implementing rules concerning the tasks, duties and powers of the Data Protection Officer pursuant to Article 24(8) of Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the institutions and bodies of the European Union and on the free movement of such data;

·         Decision on the appointment of external experts for the support in the implementation of the BEREC Office administrative procedures

2. BEREC Office Work Programme for 2013

The MC approved for publication and implementation the BEREC Office Work Programme for 2013.

II. Draft documents approved by the MC

1.      MC Opinions

The MC approved in principle its reply to the observations of the European Court of Auditors (ECA) on the Final Accounts of the BEREC Office for 2011. The final text will be submitted for approval by MC after the receipt of the final report from ECA.

2.      Draft MC Decisions approved for submission to the Commission

The MC approved the following two draft implementing measures in accordance with the arrangements provided for in Article 110 of the Staff Regulations of Officials of the European Communities, which have to be submitted to the Commission for agreement, as required by Article 10(2) of the BEREC Regulation:

·        Draft Decision on working hours at the BEREC Office;

·        Draft Decision on direct service agreements with the international early childhood centres in the Republic of Latvia to cover kindergarten fees for children of BEREC Office staff.

III. Recruitment of BEREC Office staff

The MC nominated the successful candidates for Programme Management Assistants and approved the reserve list of candidates, which was to remain valid for one year.


More information on the topics discussed and the results reached during the meeting can be found in the documents provided below.