Access to Emergency Services

The Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) should establish and maintain a single Union wide database of means of access to emergency services that are mandated and are technically feasible to be used by roaming end users in all Member States. Such a database would help national operators, national regulatory authorities and, where applicable, other competent authorities to be informed of all the means of access to emergency services deployed within the Union.

Country Sort descending Means of Access Description Download Link Additional Information
Spain Emergency applications An app allows to report incident regarding disabled end-users; conversation follows as chat. More information at Android, calls (voice) s and chat
Spain Emergency applications An app allows to report incident regarding disabled end-users; conversation follows as chat. More information at Apple, calls (voice) and chat
Sweden Emergency applications Mobile applications (Android and Apple) for emergency voice calls to 112.
Sweden Messaging Contact directly through SMS to application in SOS Alarms technical operational system, Coordcom
Sweden Relay services An End-user can contact the Swedish Relay Services: Video Relay Service, Text Relay Service and Speech-to-speech Relay Service. The relay services can be used for emergency communication to 112. The Text Relay Service can be called with SIP-addresses, mobile applications (Android and Apple) & web application, and for the person using hearing and Emergency Calls (Voice) with telephone numbers.