Draft Agenda for the 20th meeting of the Board of Regulators in Rome (Italy)

The 20th BEREC plenary meeting took  place on 25 and 26 September 2014 in Rome (Italy), kindly hosted by the Italian NRA - AGCOM. The plenary meeting was chaired by the BEREC Chair 2014 - Mr Göran MARBY - Director-General of PTS.

The plenary meeting meeting was open for participation only to BEREC Members and Observers but in order to increase transparency the BEREC Office organised a public debriefing for presenting the results of the plenary. ( Please consult events 2014 section)

More information about the topics that were discussed is provided in the draft agenda below.

Document number: BoR (14) 109
Document date: 18 September 2014
Date of registration: 18 September 2014
Document type:
Author: BEREC Chair