Draft Agenda for the 19th meeting of the Board of Regulators in Dublin (Ireland)

BEREC will hold its 19th plenary meeting on 5 and 6 June 2014 in Dublin (Ireland), which will be kindly hosted by the Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg). The plenary meeting will be chaired the BEREC Chair 2014 - Mr Göran MARBY - Director-General of PTS.

The mains topics for discussion during the meeting will be as follows: the draft BEREC Opinion on the revised Commission Recommendation on relevant markets, the revised BEREC common position on geographical aspects of market analysis (definition and remedies), the review of the BEREC Medium Term Strategy Outlook and BEREC Expert Working Group Structure, the draft 2015 BEREC Works Programme and others.

The meeting is open for participation only to BEREC members and observers but the public will be informed about the outcome of the meeting at a public debriefing to take place on 12 June 2014, from 15.00 to 17.00, in Brussels.

The debriefing will take place at: Berlaymont Building, 200 Rue de la Loi / Wetstraat, 1000 Brussels (CINEMA room). The debriefing is open for participation to all interested parties but is subject to prior registration. Those willing to attend the debriefing should register for participation by using the on-line form provided on the BEREC website by 8 June 2014.


For more information on the topics to be discussed during the forthcoming 19th plenary meeting, please consult the draft agenda provided below.

Document number: BoR (14) 62
Document date: 02 June 2014
Date of registration: 02 June 2014
Document type:
Author: BEREC Chair