Conclusions of the 25th plenary meeting of the BEREC Office Management Committee, 10-11 December 2015, London (UK)

The BEREC Office Management Committee (MC) held its 25th ordinary plenary meeting on 10 and 11 December 2015 in London, hosted by the Office of Communications (Ofcom) of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK).

During the meeting the MC discussed and agreed on the following:

  1. Elections of Chair for 2017 and Vice-chairs for 2016

The MC elected Sébastien Soriano, President of ARCEP (France), as Chair for 2017 and the following Vice-Chairs for 2016:

  • Angelo Marcello Cardani, President of AGCOM (Italy);
  • Henk Don – Member of the Board of ACM (The Netherlands).

According to the Rules of Procedure the elected Chair 2017 and the Outgoing Chair 2015 –. Fátima Barros (ANACOM), must serve one year as Vice-Chairs in 2016 to support the Chair 2016, Wilhelm Eschweiler, Vice-President of BNetzA (Germany), who was elected Chair 2016 at the 21st Plenary Meeting (4-5 December 2015, Brussels).

The BEREC Office MC agreed that the MC Chair for 2017 and the MC Vice-Chairs for 2016 should hold the same positions in the BEREC Board of Regulators (BoR).

  1. Documents approved for publication

The MC approved for publication and implementation the following documents:

  1. Documents submitted to the MC for information

The MC took note of the information provided in the following documents:

The full meeting conclusions can be cosnulted herewith.

Document number: MC (15) 140
Document date: 11 December 2015
Date of registration: 17 December 2015
Document type:
Author: BEREC Office MC