Conclusions of the 22nd plenary meeting of the BEREC Office Management Committee, 27 February 2015, Berne (Switzerland)

The BEREC Office Management Committee (MC) held its 22nd ordinary plenary meeting on 27 February 2015 in Berne (Switzerland), kindly hosted by the Swiss Federal Communications Commission (ComCom) and Federal Office of Communications (OFCOM / BAKOM / UFCOM).

During the meeting the MC approved for signature the Mission Charter of the Internal Audit Service of the European Commission in relation to bodies set up under the TFEU and the EUROATOM Treaty having legal personality and receiving contributions charged to the budget. The Charter was signed by the BEREC Chair on behalf of the MC on the day of its approval, namely 27 February 2015.

The MC took note of the information provided in the following documents:

  • Explanatory Note on transfers by Administrative Manager in BEREC Office Budget 2014 in October-December 2014;
  • 2014 BEREC Office Report on operation and budget execution;
  • 2014 BEREC Office Report on budgetary and financial management;
  • Notes on audit conclusions from the Commission Internal Audit Service on the follow-up on the outstanding recommendations form the limited review on the Implementation of Internal Control Standards (ICSs) at the BEREC Office;
  • Report on the Activities of the BEREC Office Advisory Group (BAG) in 2014.

The MC discussed the current policy of the BEREC Office for reimbursement of NRAs’ representatives participating in BEREC activities. The MC asked the BEREC Vice-Chair (BNetzA) to further study the possibility for reimbursing the EWG Chairs who are requested to present BEREC documents at the Contact Network and plenary meetings and to come-up with a proposal at the next MC plenary meeting (4-5 June 2015, Bergen).

The MC discussed also the possibility of acquisition and usage of BEREC Office assets (in particular video-conference equipment) at the premises of the BEREC Brussels presence (IRG Secretariat). The MC asked the BEREC Office AM in cooperation with the BEREC Vice-Chair from BNetzA and the Commission Services to prepare a draft MC Decision and to submit it to the MC for approval.

For more information about the outcome of the meeting, please, consult the Meeting Conclusions.

Document number: MC (15) 40
Document date: 27 March 2015
Date of registration: 30 March 2015
Document type:
Author: BEREC Office MC