Draft Agenda of the 26th Meeting of the BEREC Office Management Committee in Rotterdam (The Netherlands)

The BEREC Office Management Committee (MC) will hold its 26th ordinary plenary meeting on 26 February 2016 in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

During the meeting the MC will be requested to approved two Decisions on the working language of the BEREC Office and on the termination of the appointment of the Interim Accounting Officer and on the appointment of the Commission Accounting Officer as the BEREC Office Accounting Officer.

The MC will discuss the Final Audit Report on the activities under Article 7 and 7a including stakeholder relationship management and external communication, and the action plan to address the audit recommendations and will be briefed on the following subjects:

  • transfers carried out by AM in the BEREC Office Budget 2015 in October-December 2015;
  • 2015 BEREC Office operation, budget execution and financial management and others.

For more information about the topics to be presented to the MC you may consult the draft Agenda for the 26th MC meeting [presented herewith.

Document number: MC (16) 17
Document date: 12 February 2016
Date of registration: 12 February 2016
Document type:
Author: BEREC Office