BEREC Office Management Board Decision on the application of the Commission Decision on working time and hybrid working by analogy

On 24 March 2022 the European Commission (EC) adopted Decision C(2022) 1788 of 24 March 2022 on working time and hybrid working, which was notified to the BEREC Office in accordance with the procedure of Article 110(2) of the Staff Regulations on the day of its adoption.

The main purpose of the EC Decision mentioned above is to ensure shift towards new ways of working as a result of the lessons learned from the large-scale teleworking which took place as a response to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and which was implemented at short notice. 

This Decision is also intended to promote a modern, digital and flexible working environment, to protect staff’s health and wellbeing, enhance efficiency and improve work-life balance. 

Further, it recognises that more teleworking would contribute to reducing CO2 emissions arising from staff commuting and the resulting congestion, particularly for those who drive to work, and would therefore contribute towards supporting the EC’s efforts, under the European Green Deal, to become climate neutral by 2050.

The BEREC Office experience from the massive telework during the outbreak of COVID-19 demonstrated that the Agency can efficiently deliver its mandate remotely via making use of modern information technology tools.

The BEREC Office Management Board shares the policy objectives set up by the EC in its decision working time and hybrid working and, therefore, is willing to enable the BEREC Office to benefit from the new rules on working time and hybrid working ahead of the nine-month period envisaged in Article 110(2) of the Staff Regulations.

The new rules on working time and hybrid working apply to the BEREC Office as of 1 July 2022.

Commission Decisions C(2014) 2502 should not apply by analogy to the BEREC Office anymore.

Decision No MC/2017/06 on the implementation of telework in the BEREC Office and Decision of the MB Vice-Chair on the definition of the teleworking policy at the BEREC Office and its implementation should be repealed.

Document number: MB/2022/03
Document date: 10 June 2022
Date of registration: 14 June 2022
Author: BEREC Office MB