BEREC Office Budget and Establishment Plan for 2024

On 11 November 2023, the Conciliation Committee reached an agreement on a joint text for the EU budget for 2024. Next year’s EU budget strongly focuses on the EU’s main policy priorities and reacts to the currently difficult geopolitical context. Based on the outcome of the conciliation procedure the agreement reached was endorsed by the Council on 20 November 2023 and by the European Parliament (EP) - on 22 November 2023 (see interinstitutional file 2023/0264(BUD).The Commission proposal for the amount of the Union contribution and the number of establishment plan posts for the BEREC Office was adopted by the Budgetary Authority (the EP and the Council) without any change. Following that the BEREC Office Management Board approved the final budget of the Agency for 2024 at item (budget line) level. The Agency’s budget has been established in accordance with the principles of activity-based budgeting and management, as required by the provisions of Article 31 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1971 establishing the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) and the BEREC Office.

Document number: MB (23) 103
Document date: 07 December 2023
Date of registration: 11 December 2023
Document type:
Author: BEREC Office MB