
150 Results: BEREC / Opinions
Document Number Document date Document Title Document author
BoR (18) 199 BEREC Opinion on Phase II investigation (Article 7) Case HU/2018/2107 BEREC
BoR (18) 167 BEREC Position Paper - Input to the Commission’s WACC consultation 2018 BEREC
BoR (18) 144 BEREC Opinion on Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/2286 BEREC
BoR (18) 98 BEREC Opinion on BNetzA request on providing wholesale roaming access BEREC
BoR (18) 67 BEREC Opinion on Phase II investigation Case SK/2018/2051 BEREC
BoR (18) 55 BEREC Opinion on Phase II investigation Case SI/2018/2050 BEREC
BoR (18) 50 BEREC Opinion on draft SMP Guidelines BEREC
BoR (18) 36 Draft BEREC Opinion on the SMP Guidelines BEREC
BoR (17) 263 BEREC Opinion on Phase II investigation Case AT/2017/2020 BEREC
BoR (17) 251 BEREC Opinion on Phase II investigation Case SK/2017/2010 BEREC
BoR (17) 202 BEREC views on ITRE proposals introducing a country of establishment principle under the Code BEREC
BoR (17) 203 BEREC views on the Universal Service regime, as in the Commission’s proposals and IMCO Opinion BEREC
BoR (17) 166 Letter to the Commission for submitting BEREC input on weighted average of maximum mobile termination rates BEREC Chair
BoR (17) 155 BEREC Opinion on Phase II investigation Case DE/2017/1997 BEREC
BoR (17) 115 BEREC response to the public consultation from the EC on the update of the SMP Guidelines BEREC
BoR (17) 129 Peer review process (Article 35) BEREC