
275 Results: BEREC Office / Others
Document Number Document date Document Title Document author
MC (13) 34 BEREC Office Internal Control Framework and Standards BEREC Office
MC (13) 33 Annual Internal Audit Report for 2012 of the BEREC Office Internal Audit Service of the European Commission
MC (13) 32 List of the Members and Observers of the Management Committee of the Office of the BEREC Office BEREC Office
MC (13) 23 Preliminary observations with a view to a report on the annual accounts of the BEREC Office for the financial year 2012 European Court of Auditors
MC (13) 06 List of the Members and Observers of the BEREC Office Management Committee BEREC Office
MC (13) 05 Report on the outcome of a MC electronic voting procedure BEREC Chair 2013
MC (13) 04 Report on the outcome of a MC electronic voting procedure BEREC Chair 2013
MC (13) 01 BEREC Office Multi-Annual Staff Policy Plan 2014-2016 BEREC Office AM
MC (12) 55 Draft BEREC Office Multi-Annual Staff Policy Plan 2014-2016 BEREC Office AM
MC (12) 50 IAS Strategic Audit Plan 2013-2015 for BEREC Internal Audit Service of the European Commission
MC (12) 44 List of the Members and Observers of the BEREC Office Management Committee BEREC Office
C (2012) 6767 final Commission Decision C (2012) 6767 final of 27 Sept. 2012 on the agreement of certain Agencies on their implementing rules for giving effect to the Staff Regulations European Commission
C (2012) 5208 final Commission Decision C (2012) 5208 final of 25 July 2012 on the agreement of certain Agencies on their implementing rules for giving effect to the Staff Regulations European Commission
MC (12) 20 BEREC Office Mission Statement BEREC Office
C (2012) 2266 Commission Decision C (2012) 2266 final of 11 April 2012 on the agreement of certain Agencies on their implementing rules for giving effect to the Staff Regulations European Commission
MC (11) 21 Mission Charter of the Commission Internal Audit Service in Relation to Traditional Agencies and Independent Bodies BEREC Office MC/Commission Internal Audit Service