Draft BEREC Report on the regulatory treatment for business services

Business services based on electronic communication services are a key input to ensure that the EU companies and public administrations can benefit from the digital economy. For this reason, BEREC has launched several activities to learn on the evolution of the business markets: the present report, a “Study on communication services for businesses in Europe: Status quo and future trends” commissioned by BEREC and a workshop organised in October 2022 with the main stakeholders’ associations.

This report provides a snapshot of the regulatory treatment of business services by BEREC members and observers, based on a comprehensive questionnaire responded by 33 NRAs (all BEREC members and six observers) in June 2022. It focuses on wholesale regulation for M2/2020, M1/2020 and M3b/2014, that are considered as the upstream markets for business services by NRAs, including when relevant information on passive infrastructure access and symmetric regulation. The report also provides an overview of the geographical scope and the remedies applied in the context of business services, as well as of the challenges on data collection and references to good practices by NRAs.

Document number: BoR (22) 185
Document date: 12 December 2022
Date of registration: 12 December 2022
Document type:
Author: BEREC