BEREC Report on the outcome of the public consultation regarding the draft BEREC Guidelines on Very High Capacity Networks

BEREC published the draft BEREC Guidelines on Very High Capacity Networks (‘the draft Guidelines’) on 15 March 2023. At the same time, a public consultation was opened, running until 28 April 2023. BEREC received responses to the public consultation from the following six stakeholders:

  • One network operator
    • Liberty Global
  • Four associations
    • DSA (Dynamic Spectrum Alliance)
    • Ecta (European Competitive Telecommunications Association)
    • ETNO (European Telecommunications Network Operators’ Association) together with GSMA (GSM Association)[1]
    • FTTH Council Europe
  • One equipment vendor
    • Huawei

This report provides an overview of the responses BEREC received during the public consultation and the BEREC response to each topic addressed by stakeholders in particular with regard to the need to adapt the draft Guidelines.

In addition, BEREC published all stakeholder responses received.[2]

Document number: BoR (23) 163
Document date: 05 October 2023
Date of registration: 10 October 2023
Document type:
Author: BEREC Chair