BEREC Report on the outcome of the public consultation on draft BEREC Guidelines on Common Approaches to the Identification of the Network Termination Point in different Network Topologies

BEREC published the draft Guidelines on common approaches to the identification of the network termination point (NTP) in different network topologies (‘the draft Guidelines’) on 7 October 2019. At the same time, a public consultation was opened, running until 21 November 17:00 (CET).
The draft Guidelines and public consultation are in accordance with Article 61(7) of the European Electronic Communications Code (EECC). In particular, Article 61(7) stipulated that ‘By 21 June 2020 in order to contribute to a consistent definition of the location of network termination points by national regulatory authorities, BEREC shall, after consulting stakeholders and in close cooperation with the Commission, adopt guidelines on common approaches to the identification of the network termination point in different network topologies.’
BEREC received 68 responses to the public consultation from various types of stakeholders. Apart from network operators and their associations, Telecommunications Terminal Equipment (TTE) manufacturers and consumers (most of the individuals are likely consumer) and their organisations, BEREC received responses also from other associations, non-profit organisations and other organisations. Please refer to the list of stakeholders in the annex for a thorough overview. Stakeholders who have requested confidentiality are referred to as “Confidential contribution”. In addition, the stakeholders had the possibility to provide clarifications to their written contributions in a meeting held on 4 February 2020 in Brussels.

Document number: BoR (20) 45
Document date: 05 March 2020
Date of registration: 10 March 2020
Document type:
Author: BEREC