BEREC Report "Case Studies on Regulatory Decisions regarding Vectoring in the EU"

Vectoring is a rather new technology used on VDSL2 subscriber access lines, which significantly increases the achievable bandwidths on copper lines and is currently tested or has recently been rolled out by operators in several  Member States of the European Union (EU). Unfortunately, in order to achieve the full advantages of vectoring, at least currently, only one and not several operators can use vectoring on VDSL2 subscriber access lines of a cable (binder). This is a significant drawback as it may have a negative impact on current competition based on local loop unbundling (LLU) and/or sub-loop unbundling (SLU).

As a response to this development some NRAs have already taken decisions regarding the introduction of vectoring. In order to get a deeper insight into these decisions and to foster the exchange of experiences and contribute to the harmonisation of regulatory instruments used in the EU, BEREC has published the Report provided below, which aims to give an overview of the regulatory decisions regarding vectoring based on the experiences of four countries (Austria, Belgium, Denmark and Germany).

The analysis is descriptive and does not aim at being normative. It is not intended to recommend a best practice, as there still is not sufficient experience to draw stable conclusions.


For more information please consult the document presented below.

Document number: BoR (14) 122
Document date: 26 September 2014
Date of registration: 29 September 2014
Document type:
Author: BEREC