BEREC Guidelines on Regulation (EU) 2022/612 and Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/2286 (Retail Roaming Guidelines)

According to Article 4 (3) and Article 8 (6) of Regulation (EU) 2022/612, BEREC shall update its retail roaming guidelines in close cooperation with the Commission and consult with stakeholders for the purpose of ensuring the consistent application of the provisions.

These revised BEREC Retail Guidelines are designed to explain the Roaming Regulation, including the Commission Implementing Regulation laying down detailed rules on the application of a “fair use policy”, on the methodology for assessing the sustainability of the abolition of retail roaming surcharges and on the application to be submitted by a roaming provider for the purposes of that assessment.  These Guidelines replace the BEREC Guidelines published in 2017 (BoR (17) 56).

Document number: BoR (22) 174
Document date: 12 December 2022
Date of registration: 12 December 2022
Document type:
Author: BEREC