Budget of the BEREC Office for 2017

On 30 January 2016 the Management Committee approved the provisional draft BEREC Office budget for 2017 for submission to the Commission and the Budgetary Authority [the Council and the European Parliament (EP)], which also contains the proposed amount of the subsidy from the EU Budget for the BEREC Office for 2017.

The Budgetary Authority approved the General Budget of EU for 2017 without any changes from the requested amount of the EU subsidy for the BEREC Office (e.g. without any change to the provisional draft budget adopted by the MC in January 2016).

Consequently, on 9 December 2016, during its 29th ordinary plenary meeting, the BEREC Office Management Committee approved the final BEREC Office budget for 2017, at item level, which can be consulted here.

Document number: MC (16) 130
Document date: 02 December 2016
Date of registration: 12 December 2016
Document type:
Author: BEREC Office MC