Budget of the BEREC Office for 2015

According to Article 12 of the BEREC Regulation the budget of the BEREC Office shall be drawn up by the MC. It shall become final after the final adoption of the General Budget of the European Union (EU). Where necessary, it shall be adjusted accordingly.

Following the adoption of the General Budget of the EU and the final BEREC Office Budget 2015 was submitted to the MC for approval, in compliance with Article 10 (1) and (3) of the MC Rules of Procedure (MC (14) 70).

After a comments round held in the period from 23 to 29 December 2014 and a voting round, which started on the day of the conclusion of the comments round, on 30 December 2014 the MC approved the BEREC Office Budget 2015. The final text approved by the MC is provided on the right hand side.

Document number: MC (14) 146
Document date: 30 December 2014
Date of registration: 16 January 2015
Document type:
Author: MC