BEREC Office Work Programme 2015

As required by Article 9(3) of the BEREC Regulation, the 2015 BEREC Office Work Programme was submitted by the BEREC Office Administrative Manager to the BEREC Office Management Committee (MC) by 30 June 2014 and subsequently was approved by the MC during its

The activities suggested for inclusion in the draft 2015 BEREC Office Work Programme are structured around the Activity Based Budget (ABB) model, introduced by the BEREC Office in 2013, and are divided into the following three main categories:

- Support for implementing the BEREC WP;

- Horizontal activities and other support;

- Administrative functions and activities of the BEREC Office.

The Work Programme of the BEREC Office is equivalent to a financing decision for the activities, in particular for the activities to be financed under Title 3 - “Operational Expenditure” of the BEREC Office Budget.

Document number: MC (14) 102
Document date: 26 September 2014
Date of registration: 01 October 2014
Author: BEREC Office MC