2013 Annual Activity Report of the Office of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications

According to Article 40 (2) of the BEREC Office Financial Regulation, adopted by Decision MC (10) 44, the annual activity report shall be drawn up by the Management Committee in accordance with Article 13 (2) of the BEREC Regulation. It shall comprise financial and management information confirming that the information contained in the report presents a true and fair view except as otherwise specified in any reservations related to defined areas of revenue and expenditure.

According to Article 40 (1) of Decision MC (14) 44 it has to comprise also an analysis and an assessment of the authorising officer's annual administrative report on the previous financial year.

Therefore, during its 19th meeting (6 June 2014, Dublin) the BEREC Office Management Committee adopted the current Annual Activity Report for the year 2013.

Other important documents published after the 19th plenary are the 2013 BEREC Office final accounts and the MC opinion on the 2013 BEREC Office final accounts.

For more information on the outcome of the meeting you can consult the event section of the BEREC website.

Document number: MC (14) 66
Document date: 23 May 2014
Date of registration: 23 May 2014
Author: BEREC Office MC