6th BEREC Stakeholder Forum
Stakeholder Engagement is crucial for BEREC. This shows in public consultations and in the annual Stakeholder Forum. On 17 October 2018, the telecoms and digital communications sector gathered for the 6th time to interact with BEREC. They were able to put forward their thoughts on the draft BEREC Work Programme 2019, BEREC’s effectiveness and stakeholder engagement, as well as efficient investment in European telecoms.
“BEREC already started with groundwork for the implementation of the new European Electronic Communications Code,” said BEREC Chair Johannes Gungl in its opening remarks and mentioned examples such as the “BEREC Report on the location of the network termination point” and the “Draft BEREC Report on contractual simplification”. The implementation of the Code (EECC) and the new BEREC Regulation will be central in the BEREC Work Programme 2019 and 2020.
Also central will be the further development of BEREC. Johannes Gungl said: “We want to invite you to give feedback to us and we will listen. We want to intensify the dialogue with all different types of stakeholders and we want to get better.”
Jeremy Godfrey, BEREC Chair 2019, then presented next year’s draft Work Programme. “Our industry is changing fast, so the new Code is totally necessary,” he said. BEREC will drive harmonization in Europe by issuing several Guidelines and Opinions to implement the EECC smoothly. “The BEREC Work Programme 2019 will also bring longer term planning,” Jeremy Godfrey said. “It will give the stakeholders more time to respond to public consultations.”
This aim absolutely reflected the Stakeholders needs, as an interactive quick survey in the audience revealed. Seeking input from stakeholders earlier in projects, e.g. via early calls for input or workshops, found the audience the most effective way of optimising stakeholder engagement.
Two panels and discussions gave the stakeholders chance to share their points of view. In the first one named “BEREC Effectiveness & Stakeholder Engagement”, BEREC tried to generate ideas for the Board of Regulators to reflect on, so that it can boost its duties under the new EECC. Panel two talked about efficient investments in the European telecoms sector. The purpose of this session was to explore the complex interplay between efficient investment, promotion of competition and consumer benefits.
“Investments in high capacity networks is what the European Commission wants,” said Director General of DG Connect, Roberto Viola in his contribution from the European Commission. “And with the new Code we enter a new era in co-investments.”
Closing the 6th BEREC Stakeholder Forum, Co-Chair Jeremy Godfrey announced a new record of participating Stakeholders. A copy of the live stream of the 6th BEREC Stakeholder Forum 2018 is available online.
Opening and presentation of BEREC Work Programme 2019
Panel I: BEREC efectiveness and stakeholder engagement
Panel II: Efficient investment in the European telecoms sector
Contribution by European Commission and closing remarks