BEREC public technical workshop on IPv6 deployment across Europe
BEREC acknowledges the importance of Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) for the Internet and its role as an essential precondition for a digital Europe. Currently, approximately 75% of the European Economic Area (EEA) population does not have access to IPv6 and there exists significant differences between countries with respect to IPv6 deployment.
To help the timely transition to IPv6 and to gather information, on 19 May 2021, BEREC hosted a virtual public technical workshop on IPv6 deployment across Europe with several key European stakeholders involved in the transition to IPv6.
The event was held online and streamed live via the dedicated streaming platform, also providing the live captioning.
The main objective of this workshop was to share experiences and best practices on the actions taken to facilitate IPv6 deployment at the national level and to debate on how different actors can be motivated to deploy IPv6. With this workshop, BEREC also aimed to provide concrete ideas and tools to facilitate this work at the national level, to share information and to motivate the actors to take the necessary steps that will ensure the Internet continues to function as an engine of innovation and future growth.
The workshop will be moderated by Mr. Pierre Bonis (CEO of Afnic, the association tasked with managing the domain name registry in France) and will include presentations from Ms. Constanze Buerger (Information Technology Specialist at the German Federal Ministry of the Interior), Mr. Marco Hogewoning (Manager of Public Policy and Internet Governance at Réseaux IP Européens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC), the regional Internet registry for Europe), Mr. Mat Ford (Technology Program Manager at Internet Society, an organisation which aims to provide leadership in Internet-related standards, education, access, and policy), Mr. Paul Saab (Software Engineer at Facebook), and Ms. Maarit Palovirta (Director of Regulatory Affairs at ETNO, the European Telecommunications Network Operators’ Association), as well as a panel discussion with an opportunity for the audience to submit questions.
Participants were able to send their questions to the speakers in advance - by indicating them in the registration form or by submitting them via email. There was also the opportunity to ask questions during the event via the dedicated livestream platform's chat-box.
Watch the recorded video