Notice for the launch of the public consultation on the BEREC Work Programme 2022

BEREC has approved the outline of the Work Programme 2022 at the end of January 2021 (BoR (21) 01). This early adoption is a requirement of the new BEREC rules.

A first call for input to the BEREC Work Programme 2022 was launched in March 2021.

After considering the early input received the 48th BEREC Plenary meeting approved the Draft BEREC Work Programme 2022 for public consultation.

This public consultation is the final stage of the consultation process for the Work Programme 2022.

The objectives of BEREC's work in 2022 continue to be based on the mandatory tasks stemming from the European Electronic Communications Code (EECC) and its four main goals coming out of Article 3 (2) EECC:

  • Promoting connectivity and access to very high capacity networks,
  • Promoting competition and efficient investment,
  • Contributing to the development of the internal market,
  • Promoting the interest of the citizens of the Union.

Consistently implementing the EECC continues to be at the forefront of BEREC's work. The BEREC Strategy 2021-2025 and its high-level strategic priorities will be fundamental for meeting the objectives and the work that BEREC will undertake in 2022 overall. Furthermore, BEREC is committed to serving as a body for thoughtful and proactive debate that provides advice to the European Parliament, the Council and the European Commission in the field of electronic communications. Similarly, BEREC seeks to engage cooperatively and effectively with stakeholders.

The Work Programme 2022 also considers the preparation for the new challenges ahead resulting from political, economic and technological developments as an essential task – such as the Green Deal and the Agenda 2030 to foster sustainability.

The incoming BEREC Chair encourages all stakeholders and interested parties to provide their views and contributions to the Draft Work Programme 2022.

BEREC also welcomes any views and suggestions for the Outline of the Work Programme 2023.

Interested parties are kindly asked to send their contributions to [email protected] no later than 5 November 2021 (17:00 CET).

After submitting the contribution via e-mail, an automatic reply will be generated. In case you do not receive the automatic reply after submitting your contribution please contact BEREC Office.

Contributions should be sent preferably in English.

All contributions received will be published on the BEREC website, taking into account requests for confidentiality and publication of personal data. Any such requests should be clearly indicated as clearly stating which information is considered confidential.

Document number: BoR (21) 150
Document date: 06 October 2021
Date of registration: 06 October 2021
Document type:
Author: BEREC