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BEREC held its second Plenary meeting of the year in Dublin, Ireland. BEREC adopted its opinion on the Commission’s Recommendation on Relevant Markets, which 09/06/2014
Following BEREC's plenary meeting to be held in Dubrovnik on 24 and 25 May 2012, a public debriefing will be held in Brussels on 31 04/05/2012
General remarks In line with its statutory duty of promoting consistent and best practice regulation in the electronic communications sector throughout the EU, and in 17/05/2014
BEREC Opinion Phase II investigation Case NL/2012/1299 Wholesale broadband access (Market 5) and wholesale terminating segments of leased lines (Market 6) in the Netherlands has been 02/05/2012
The BEREC Statement: BEREC notes the European Parliament’s adoption of its first reading position on the proposed “Connected Continent” Regulation at its Plenary session 04/04/2014
Today, Mr Laszlo Igneczi has taken office as Administrative Manager of the BEREC Office. He immediately took the opportunity to introduce himself to all BEREC 01/04/2014
Today, the following BEREC statement has been published: BEREC Statement on the second Broadband Quality of Service report prepared for the European Commission 28/03/2014
BEREC has recently submitted its Input and Opinion on Universal Service Communication of the Commission, which in compliance with the transparency policy of BEREC is 25/04/2012
BEREC Opinion Phase II investigation Case LV/2012/1296 Wholesale SMS termination on individual mobile networks - Voice call termination on individual mobile networks has been published here 25/04/2012
BEREC Opinion Phase II investigation Case NL/2012/1298 Market Analysis on Unbundled Access to Corporate Fibre-Optic Network (ODF Access FTTO) – submarket to market 4 in the 25/04/2012