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Market and Economic Analysis Working Group Iulia Zaim-Grigore has been working for the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications of Romania (ANCOM) since 03/05/2023
Co-chair of the End Users Working Group Marina Ljubić Karanović is a Senior Legal Expert, Deputy Head of the Legal Affairs Department at the Croatian 03/05/2023
Fixed Network Evolution Working Group Alexander Thelen is Legal Advisor in the international department of the Bundesnetzagentur, the German Regulatory Authority for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunications, 03/05/2023
Co-chair of the Digital Markets Working Group Chiara Caccinelli is Deputy Head of the Economic Analysis and Digital Affairs Unit at the French regulator for 03/05/2023
Co-chair of the Cybersecurity Working Group Zdravko Jukić is an electrical engineer who currently holds the position of Deputy Executive Director at HAKOM, the Croatian 03/05/2023
Co-chair of the Digital Markets Working Group Margarida Melo Santos joined the Portuguese regulatory authority for postal communications and electronic communications (ANACOM) in 2009. She 03/05/2023
Co-chair of the Cybersecurity Working Group Katja is a lawyer with 20 years of experience in electronic communications from the National Regulatory Authority (NRA) perspective. 03/05/2023
Co-chair of the Remedies and Market Monitoring Working Group Annegret Groebel is a Director of International Relations/Postal Regulation at the German Regulatory Authority for Electricity, 03/05/2023
Co-chair of the Market and Economic Analysis Working Group Jordi Canadell Boix is Head of Section at the Spanish National Markets and Competition Commission (CNMC). 03/05/2023
Co-chair of the Remedies and Market Monitoring Working Group Marco Benacchio is Head of Unit of Wholesale Regulation in the electronic communications markets (covering market 03/05/2023