Document Number Document Date Document title Document author
MC/2013/05 Decision by the MC of the BEREC Office concerning the reimbursement of travel, subsistence and other expenses incurred in the course of journeys made by persons not employed by the BEREC Office and repealing the previous Management Committee Decision № mc/2012/2 of 24 February 2012 BEREC Office
MC (13) 38 Draft Decision by the MC of the BEREC Office concerning the reimbursement of travel, subsistence and other expenses incurred in the course of journeys made by persons not employed by the BEREC Office and repealing the previous Management Committee Decision № mc/2012/2 of 24 February 2012 BEREC Office
BoR (13) 77 Outcome from the BEREC 15th Plenary Meeting, 6 and 7 June 2013, Athens BEREC Chair
MC (13) 48 Letter from the BEREC Chair to the budgetary authority and the European Court of Auditors for submitting the analysis and the assessment of the BEREC Office 2012 authorising officer's annual administrative report BEREC Chair 2013
BoR (13) 76 Letter from the BEREC Chair to the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Court of Auditors for submitting the BEREC Annual Reports - 2012 BEREC Chair
MC (13) 39 BEREC Office Annual Administrative Report 2012 from Authorising Officer BEREC Office Administrative Manager/ Authorising Officer
MC (13) 40 BEREC Office Management Committee Annual Activity Report 2012 BEREC Office MC
BoR (13) 65 BEREC style guide: how to improve the quality of BEREC documents BEREC Office
BoR (13) 75 Press release from the 15th Plenary meeting in Athens - BEREC elects Chair 2014 BEREC