Document Number Document Date Document title Document author
BoR (18) 143 Communication concerning a new Member of the BEREC Board of Regulators from the United Kingdom NRA - Ofcom Ofcom
BoR DI (18) 60 2018 Annual Declaration of Interests of Lindsey Fussell, Member of the BEREC Board of Regulators from Ofcom Lindsey Fussell, Ofcom
BoR DC (18) 60 2018 Annual Declaration of Commitment of Lindsey Fussell, Member of the BEREC Board of Regulators from Ofcom Lindsey Fussell, Ofcom
MC DI (18) 63 2018 Annual Declaration of Interests of Lindsey Fussell, Member of the BEREC Office MC from Ofcom Lindsey Fussell, Ofcom
MC DC (18) 63 2018 Annual Declaration of Commitment of Lindsey Fussell, Member of the BEREC Office Management Committee from Ofcom Lindsey Fussell, Ofcom
BoR/2018/07 Decision of the Board of Regulators on confirmatory application for access to BoR (17) 180 BEREC Internal report summarising annual reports by NRAs on the implementation of the net neutrality provisions BEREC
BoR (18) 146 Voting report on the outcomes of the e-clearance procedure on draft BoR decision on confirmatory appliaction on access BEREC report summarising annual reports by NRAs on the implementation of the net neutrality provisions BEREC Chair
BoR (18) 145 Launch of the e-clearance procedure voting round on draft BoR decision on confirmatory appliaction on access BEREC report summarising annual reports by NRAs on the implementation of the net neutrality provisions BEREC Chair
BoR (18) 142 Launch of the e-clearance procedure comments round on draft BoR decision on confirmatory application on access BEREC report summarising annual reports by NRAs on the implementation of the net neutrality provisions BEREC Chair
BoR (18) 140 Voting report on the outcomes of the e-clearance procedure on draft MoU between BEREC and FCC  BEREC Chair