Document Number Document Date Document title Document author
BoR (19) 260 BEREC Report on Member States’ best practices to support the defining of adequate broadband internet access service BEREC
BoR (19) 265 Notice for the launch of public consultation for the draft BEREC Report on Member States’ best practices to support the defining of adequate broadband internet access service BEREC
BoR (19) 252 BEREC Report on the outcome of the public consultation on the draft Work Programme for 2020 BEREC
BoR (19) 266 Press release - BEREC presents its Work Programme 2020 and introduces the outcomes of the 41st plenary meeting BEREC
MB (19) 118 Launch of e-clearance comments round on the Establishment of the BEREC Office Advisory Group and on the Appointment of its Chair Chairperson
MB (19) 108 Rules of Procedure on the operation of Expert Networking Groups BEREC Office MB
MB (19) 113 2020 Budget and Establishment Plan of the Agency for Support for BEREC BEREC Office MB
MB/2019/20 Decision of the Management Board of the Agency for Support for BEREC concerning the reimbursement of travel, subsistence and other expenses incurred in the course of journeys made by persons not employed by the BEREC Office and repealing the previous Management Committee Decision No MC/2015/13 of 2 October 2015 BEREC Office MB
MB/2019/19 Decision concerning the information and communication system for BEREC, the Commission and the NRAs BEREC Office MB
BEREC CN (19) 145 Conclusions of the 4th Contact Network Meeting BEREC CN