17 June 2020

BEREC publishes updated Guidelines on the implementation of the Open Internet Regulation

The image shows the BEREC logo with the text News, PR, Publications on a blue background with shapes in white

In order to contribute to the consistent application of the Open Internet Regulation, Article 5(3) of the Open Internet Regulation explicitly obliges BEREC to issue guidelines for the implementation of the obligations of National Regulatory Authorities under the Regulation. For more information about the Regulation, please see the updated Open Internet section on the BEREC website.

BEREC has updated the original 2016 Guidelines, now called the Guidelines on the implementation of the Open Internet Regulation. They were adopted during the 43rd BEREC ordinary meetings, and have been already published on the BEREC website.

The draft Guidelines were issued for public consultation from 10 October 2019 until 28 November 2019. BEREC received 52 responses to the public consultation from various types of stakeholders. 50 contributions have been published, as only two stakeholders provided a confidential version.

BEREC thanks all stakeholders for the considerable input received during the consultation. In general, stakeholders seem to appreciate the updated Guidelines, however there were still topics to be addressed. Stakeholders also continue to maintain opposing views on certain topics. The received feedback did not justify any major changes to the Guidelines. However, it was clear that some further clarifications were needed and now these are included in the Guidelines. BEREC has published a consultation report that focuses on the points addressed by the stakeholders.