08 June 2015

BEREC publishes its report on how consumers value net neutrality

The image shows the BEREC logo with the text News, PR, Publications on a blue background with shapes in white

During the 23rd plenary meeting in Bergen, Norway (4-5 June, 2014), the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) adopted its Report on how consumers value net neutrality, which draws on consumer research to assess the demand-side forces operating in the Internet ecosystem. The report is designed to inform BEREC’s approach to net neutrality going forward, and to support NRAs in their analysis of their national markets.

BEREC also launched two public consultations. The first, which closes on 10 July, 2015, is on its report on common characteristics of Layer 2 wholesale access products. Once the final report is adopted later this year, BEREC will consider the scope for developing it into a Common Position in order to further contribute to the harmonisation of product specifications for those wholesale access products. The second consultation is on BEREC’s report on oligopoly analysis and regulation, and closes on 1 August, 2015.

BEREC published its latest report on fixed and mobile termination rates (as of January 2015). Finally, BEREC also published its Annual report for 2014 on the activities of BEREC and on developments in the sector, which will now be submitted to the European Parliament, the Council, the Commission and the European Economic and Social Committee, as well as the European Court of Auditors.

A full list of the documents adopted at the BEREC Plenary is available here.

This was the second BEREC Plenary meeting under the chairmanship of Fatima Barros, President of the Portuguese regulator, ANACOM