17 June 2020

BEREC adopts the Guidelines on the public warning systems and launches three public consultations

The image shows the BEREC logo with the text News, PR, Publications on a blue background with shapes in white

On 16 June, the BEREC Chair 2020, Dan Sjöblom presented the outcomes of the 43rd BEREC ordinary meeting. For the first time, the public debriefing was virtual and gave stakeholders the opportunity to interact with the speakers live.

BEREC continues to fulfil the tasks set out in the European Electronic Communications Code (EECC). During the 43rd BEREC ordinary meeting, BEREC guidelines on the public warning systems, as well as an update for the guidelines on the open internet regulation were adopted. In addition, Michel Van Bellinghen, the incoming BEREC Chair 2021, presented the new BEREC Strategy 2021-2025.

Three new public consultations have been launched in order to seek input from the stakeholders on important topics such as symmetric access regulation, impact of 5G on regulation, and co-investments in new very high capacity network elements.

BEREC Strategy 2021-2025

Incoming BEREC Chair 2021 introduced the new BEREC Strategy 2021-2025, which now covers a period of five years instead of three years. This enables better alignment with the legislative cycle of the Commission, and the objectives and new priorities set out by President von der Leyen for the period of 2019 -2024. The importance of the very high capacity networks has been incorporated in the document - take-up dimension added to correctly reflect the scope of the first objective of the European Electronic Communications Code, as well as deployment of- and access to very high capacity networks by citizens and businesses of the Union has been emphasized as one of the strategic priorities.

Open internet

BEREC has updated the BEREC Net Neutrality Guidelines, adopted in 2016, currently called the BEREC Guidelines on the Implementation of the Open Internet Regulation. The main changes in the document include many clarifications, such as - what is considered to be part of the Internet Access Services, adjustments in both the text on Open Programmes and in the methodology. (Check the updated website section on this topic).

Public warning systems

BEREC has adopted the Guidelines on how to assess the effectiveness of public warning systems transmitted by different means. The main purpose of the document is to assist member states in assessing the effectiveness of alternative Public Warning Systems using means of electronic communications services. The Guidelines set out a methodology, which suggests that competent authorities establish a performance benchmark based on a hypothetical Public Warning Systems using means of electronic communications services that meets the requirements of Article 110(1) EECC.

Symmetric access regulation

Draft BEREC Guidelines on the criteria for a consistent application of Article 61 (3) define criteria on key aspects of the extended and amended provision by the European Electronic Communications Code on a symmetric access regulation, and inform on how these criteria need to be applied. The document has been launched for public consultation, which lasts from 16 June 2020 until 31 July 2020.

Impact of 5G on regulation

Many aspects of regulation are involved in the 5G ecosystem. How these are addressed could be critical to the pace at which innovative services are brought to market. Draft BEREC Report on the impact of 5G on regulation and the role of regulation in enabling the 5G ecosystem should help NRAs to anticipate the issues involved and to support the pace of innovation to be optimised. The public consultation on this document lasts from 16 June 2020 until 31 July 2020.

Co-investments in new very high capacity network elements

Draft BEREC Guidelines to foster the consistent application of the criteria for assessing co- investments in new very high capacity network elements (Article 76 EECC) aim to facilitate the consistent application of the minimum criteria for assessing the relevant co-investment offers, as set out in Article 76 of the EECC. The document addresses the following key points: what is a new very high capacity network and type of investments and co-investments models qualifying for Article 76; how to assess the openness of offers under the different models; and other aspects that will contribute to the consistent application by National Regulatory Authorities of the conditions which co-investment offers must comply. The public consultation on this document is open from 16 June 2020 until 4 September 2020.