10 August 2012
9th BEREC plenary, 8-9 Dec. 2012

BEREC issues guidelines on net neutrality and transparency
On 8 and 9 December 2011, the Board of Regulators of BEREC held its 9th plenary meeting in Bucharest.
BEREC decided to issue Guidelines on transparency in the context of net neutrality. Specific types and means of information are recommended to enhance consumer empowerment. Regulators are to ensure that effective transparency is achieved nationally. The guidelines were subject to consultation with stakeholders during October and November this year. The report on the consultation elicited approximately 80 responses will be published on BEREC’s website (http://berec.europa.eu) alongside the Guidelines.
BEREC also adopted its opinions in two Article 7a (Framework Directive) Phase II cases. The European Commission had raised serious doubts regarding two draft decisions of the Polish regulator UKE on the imposition of remedies. Both are decisions on the market for mobile termination rates. According to article 7a of the Framework Directive, BEREC is required to issue an opinion on these doubts. BEREC analysed the decisions and the doubts expressed by the Commission, and concluded that it shares the Commission's position. The letters to the Commission will be published on the website of BEREC on Wednesday 14 December 2011, a summary of the letters is published together with this press release.
Medium term BEREC strategy
The Board of Regulators decided to consult stakeholders on an appropriate medium term strategy for BEREC. The Board accordingly approved a draft strategy for the purpose of the consultation. In this paper, BEREC reflects on expected developments in the electronic communications sector. Issues such as convergence, the increasing importance of consumer empowerment and IP-related regulation have been identified as key issues during the 3-5 years perspective of the strategy. The paper will be published on BEREC's website (http://berec.europa.eu) on Friday 16 December 2011. The consultation period will end on 16 January 2012.
Other consultations approved at the plenary meeting include the promotion of broadband, NGA co-investment and the impact of fixed-mobile substitution in market definition.
The 9th plenary meeting of BEREC was the last one to be chaired by Chris Fonteijn (OPTA, the Netherlands). In 2012, BEREC will be chaired by Dr. Georg Serentschy, Chairman of the Austrian regulatory authority RTR. The Board of Regulators voted to appoint Leonidas Kanellos, Chairman of the Greek NRA EETT, as Chairman of BEREC in 2013. Dr. Kanellos will act as vice-chair of BEREC in 2012. Other vice-chairs elected to take office in 2012, are Ed Richards (Ofcom, United Kingdom), Göran Marby (PTS, Sweden) and Catalin Marinescu (ANCOM, Romania).
Note for the editor:
BEREC is composed of a Board of Regulators consisting of the Heads of the 27 national regulatory authorities (NRAs). BEREC will advise the European Commission and the NRAs, and assist the European Parliament and Council, on issues related to the application of the EU regulatory framework for electronic communications. BEREC will help to ensure fair competition and consistency of regulation in the internal market for electronic communications to benefit consumers. In particularly providing expert advice on market definitions, analysis and remedies, definition of transnational markets, cross-border disputes and numbering issues. Furthermore, BEREC will provide expert opinions on emerging challenges such as the promotion of broadband, net neutrality and converging markets, and is ready to play an active role in the discussions in the public domain on these issues.
For additional information please consult the BEREC Office at:
e-mail: [email protected] or tel. +371 6611 7590, or the BEREC Website: