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16 December 2011

16 December 2011
BEREC is holding a public consultation on its draft Medium-term Strategy Outlook. Stakeholders are invited to send their answers by 16 January 2012 to e-mail to [email protected]. Read the full announcement here.
BEREC is holding a public consultation on the draft BEREC...

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15 December 2011

15 December 2011
BEREC Opinion - Phase II investigation pursuant to Article 7a of Directive 2002/21/EC as amended by Directive 2009/140/EC has been published hereand here. 
Results to recent public consultations have been published on the relevant webpage. 
Today, BEREC held a public...

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09 December 2011

9 December 2011
The Summary Report on the outcome of the voting of the BEREC Board of Regulators on the BEREC Opinions on the Phase II cases under the Article 7a of the revised Framework...

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01 December 2011

1 December 2011
Following BEREC's plenary meeting to be held in Bucharest on 8 and 9 December 2011, a public debriefing will be held in Brussels on 15 December 2011 from 10h30 to 12h30. The debriefing will take place...

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01 November 2011

1 December 2011
BEREC held an expert workshop on IP-interconnection in cooperation with OECD in Brussels on 2 November 2011 to bring together experts from the IP- interconnection community and experts on interconnection from national regulatory authorities to discuss...

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21 October 2011

21 October 2011
Today BEREC held a public hearing on the 2012 draft BEREC Work Programme (WP). All interested parties may find the presentation made during the hearinghere.
BEREC would like to remind to all...