BEREC meets Western Balkans’s NRAs to discuss the Digital Agenda

13 June 2018

Today, in the margins of the 35th BEREC plenary meetings in Gdansk, BEREC and the European Commission (EC) held a meeting with the national regulatory authorities (NRAs) of the Western Balkans.

In its Digital Single Market strategy, the EC seeks to boost Europe’s economy by delivering sustainable economic and social benefits from a digital single market. The Digital Agenda for the Western Balkans (WB) is one of the six flagship initiatives of that strategy.

The aim of the meeting is to discuss how best to cooperate on the strategic matter in order to develop the necessary cooperation in the region as well as to efficiently contribute to fostering the consistent preparation for and alignment to the EU Digital Single Market in the Western Balkans.

The EC considers essential that the Western Balkans are included in the EU’s efforts to embrace technological change for them to be able to benefit from digital tools, ensuring a prosperous and sustainable future for their citizens.

"BEREC fully supports the approach of the Western Balkan states to the EU. It means creating growth opportunities and improvement of quality of life for the citizens of the region”, says BEREC Chair Johannes Gungl.


Related articles: Gungl speaks at the Western Balkans Digital Summit