02 March 2020

The BEREC Chair will present the adopted Guidelines and launch a public consultation on the BEREC Strategy

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The draft BEREC Strategy, the draft BEREC Guidelines on the Very High Capacity Networks (VHCN) and the Guidelines on the Network Termination Point (NTP) will be among the main topics presented during the BEREC public debriefing on the outcomes of 42nd BEREC plenary meetings.

It will be a comprehensive agenda at the 1st public debriefing 2020, due to the extensive amount of Guidelines adopted from the Code. The public debriefing will be held on 10 March at 14:00 (CET) at the Room 5B, Albert Brochette Congress Centre (CCAB), Rue Froissart 36, 1040 Brussels, Belgium.

The BEREC Chair Dan Sjöblom (PTS, Sweden) invites all stakeholders to attend the event. This will be a good opportunity to ask questions to the BEREC Vice-Chair, Michel Van Bellinghen (BIPT, Belgium) on the draft BEREC Strategy, as well as to engage with the Co-Chair of the Fixed Network Evolution Working Group, Wilhelm Schramm, on the draft Guidelines on VHCN and NTP.

Important: Due to security reasons, please register to the event in order to receive your entry pass to the European Commission’s premises. Deadline for registration: 5 March 2020.

During the public debriefing, the BEREC Chair will inform stakeholders about the documents adopted during the plenary meeting, among the others - four Guidelines, which co-legislators entrusted BEREC to prepare within the European Electronic Communications Code:

  • BEREC Guidelines on common approaches to the identification of the network termination point in different network topologies;
  • BEREC Guidelines detailing quality of service parameters of Internet Access Services (IAS) and publicly available ICS and the publication of information;
  • BEREC Guidelines on common criteria for the assessment of the ability of undertakings other than ECN or ECS to manage numbering resources;
  • BEREC Guidelines to assist NRAs on the consistent application of geographical surveys of networks deployment, Phase I.

Information sheet on all the BEREC guidelines to be adopted by the end 2020.

In addition, the BEREC Chair will launch the public consultation on the following documents:

  • Draft BEREC Strategy;
  • Draft BEREC Guidelines on very high capacity networks;
  • Draft updated BEREC Guidelines on intra-EU communications.

BEREC Chair will also inform the participants about the 8th BEREC Stakeholder Forum, taking place on 1 April at the Thon EU Hotel, Brussels. The Stakeholder Forum will have a Meet & Greet session with the Co-Chairs of the BEREC Working Groups.

The stakeholders will also have a chance to give feedback at a very early stage on BEREC Work Programme, as well as discuss BEREC’s past, present and future work with the Chair and the Incoming Chair. For the BEREC Stakeholder Forum general session, please register here.