12 June 2020

Joint BEREC and OECD webinar on Quality of Service and Experience

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On 23 and 30 June, BEREC in collaboration with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is organizing a webinar with the focus on the customer experience of electronic communication services through Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE).

It will be divided into two parts and both will be livestreamed on the BEREC website.

23 June 2020, 13:00 - 15:00 CEST (Part I)

Introduction on QoS, its role in communication markets from both BEREC and OECD perspective, and how QoS could contribute to an enhanced connectivity experience with country experiences being shared by the National Information Society Agency (NIA, Korea) and the French National Regulatory Authority (ARCEP).

30 June 2020, 13:00 - 15:00 CEST (Part II)

Focus on QoS and QoE in relation to the accessibility, e-health, video communication, and how to capture QoE through standardisation in order to improve the quality of online collaboration.

Participation to the event requires prior registration.

Send your question in advance! Do you want to ask questions to the speakers? Send them to [email protected], or via Twitter using the hashtag #BERECwebinar. Always indicate the Part (I or II) of the webinar to which the question relates.

Deadline for submitting questions:

Part I: 22 June 2020 by midday, 12:00 CEST;

Part II: 29 June 2020 by midday, 12:00 CEST.

QoS of communication services is an essential element and has become of growing importance with the digital transformation of economies and societies. It goes together with the QoE, especially nowadays when accessibility, e-health, and video communication has become an essential part of our lives.