Event title Event Date
BEREC Stakeholder Forum
BEREC internal workshop on “BEREC Report to enable comparable national broadband coverage indicators throughout Europe”
Online workshop on the BEREC Report to enable comparable national broadband coverage indicators throughout Europe
Public debriefing on outcomes of the 48th BEREC ordinary meetings
Four-lateral BEREC, EaPeReg, REGULATEL and EMERG Summit
48th BEREC ordinary meetings
BEREC workshop on the NRA experiences with 5G
BEREC Workshop on how to best promote science based EMF limits recommended by experts
3rd BEREC Contact Network meeting
Public debriefing on outcomes of the 47th BEREC ordinary meetings
47th BEREC ordinary meetings and High level workshop
BEREC Workshop on 5G
IIC/BEREC Telecommunications & Media Forum 2021
2nd BEREC Contact Network meeting
BEREC public technical workshop on IPv6 deployment across Europe
BEREC Workshop on end-users in the context of the Digital Markets Act (DMA)
BEREC Workshop on Market Entry in the context of the Digital Markets Act (DMA)
9th BEREC Stakeholder Forum
Public debriefing on outcomes of the 46th BEREC ordinary meetings
46th BEREC ordinary meetings