Event title Event Date
4th BEREC Contact Network meeting -
BEREC Workshop on Internet of Things: perspectives and competition
Public debriefing on the outcomes of the 56th BEREC ordinary meetings
56th BEREC ordinary meetings and a Four-lateral summit -
Four-lateral BEREC, EaPeReg, REGULATEL and EMERG Summit
BEREC Workshop on international submarine connectivity in the EU
3rd BEREC Contact Network meeting -
BEREC Market and Economic Analysis Working Group workshop on competition dynamics of tower and access infrastructure companies
Public debriefing on the outcomes of the 55th BEREC ordinary meetings
55th BEREC ordinary meetings -
2nd BEREC Contact Network meeting -
BEREC Workshop on Switching and interoperability of data processing services
BEREC Workshop on secure and reliable connectivity from LEO satellite fleets
11th BEREC Stakeholder Forum
Public debriefing on the outcomes of the 54th BEREC ordinary meetings
54th BEREC ordinary meetings -
1st BEREC Contact Network meeting -
Public debriefing on the outcomes of the 53rd BEREC ordinary meetings
53rd BEREC ordinary meetings -
4th BEREC Contact Network meeting