BEREC - OECD Webinar on Quality of Services and Quality of Experience
BEREC and OECD Webinar on QoS and QoE
BEREC and OECD organise a webinar on improving customer experience of electronic communication services through Quality of Service and Quality of Experience.
The webinar will be divided into 2 parts. A single registration is valid for both parts.
Part 1 - 1300- 1500 CET – Tuesday, 23 June 2020
Part 2 - 1300 – 1500 CET – Tuesday, 30 June 2020
Part 1 of the webinar will offer an introduction on Quality of Service (QoS), its role in communication markets from both a BEREC and OECD perspective, how QoS could contribute to an enhanced connectivity experience with country experiences being shared by National Information Society Agency (NIA), Korea and the French National Regulatory Authority, ARCEP.
Part 2 of the webinar focuses on QoS and Quality of Experience (QoE) in relation to accessibility, e-health, video communication and how to capture quality of experience through standardisation in order to improve the quality on online collaboration.
Important: Stakeholders who would like to ask questions to the speakers, should indicate their interest when registering for the event and send their questions to the addresses indicated below by 22/06/2020 COB for the Part 1 and by 29/06/2020 COB for Part 2 of the webinar.
The Agency for Support for BEREC ensures the accessibility to the BEREC online events, as follows:
- Information on the event is published duly on the BEREC website;
- The Agenda of the event is published in pdf or MS Word format with respective properties and headings;
- Invitation to the potential participants is circulated on social media – Twitter #BERECwebinar and LinkedIn, as well as to the subscribed stakeholders’;
- The public events are live-streamed on the landing page of the BEREC website. It appears 5-10 min before the start. By the end of this year, it is foreseen to introduce a real-time captioning during the livestreaming. Besides, it is also foreseen to ensure subtitles of the recorded videos published on the BEREC YouTube channel;
- Stakeholders are given opportunity to interact with speakers of events by using the digital tools, such as social media platform Twitter (a dedicated hashtag is provided per event) or email (functional email of the BEREC Office Communications team – [email protected]).