16th BEREC Plenary Meeting in Latvia
The 16th BEREC plenary meeting took place on 26 and 27 September 2013, in Riga (Latvia), kindly hosted by the Latvian Public Utilities Commission - SPRK, in cooperation with the BEREC Office. The meeting was presided by BEREC Chair 2013 - Dr Leonidas Kanellos, President of the Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT).
The meeting was divided into 2 parts, namely: meeting of the Board of Regulators (26 September 2013) and meeting of the Management Committee of the BEREC Office (27 September 2013). The meeting was preceded by the 1st BEREC Stakeholder Forum meeting, which took place on 25 September 2013.
The mains results from the afore-mentioned meetings are, as follows:
Board of Regulators
During its 16th meeting the Board of Regulators adopted the Draft BEREC 2014 Work Programme for public consultation. The consultation will be held within the period 1-25 October 2013 with a public hearing on 17 October 2013, open to all interested parties.
The Board of Regulators also adopted the following documents:
- Methodology for monitoring the implementation of Common Positions on key access products (CPs approved in December 2012).
- International roaming benchmark and compliance monitoring reports.
- Annual report on regulatory accounting in practice.
Furthermore the Board of Regulators held a discussion on the high-level principles of the proposed Single Market Regulation .
All documents approved by the Board of Regulators for publication can be consulted from the list below:
Document Title |
Document № |
Final documents: |
Methodology for monitoring the implementation of the BEREC Common Positions on Wholesale Local Access (WLA), Wholesale Broadband Access (WBA) and Wholesale Leased Lines (WLL) |
BEREC Report on the Regulatory Accounting in Practice 2013 |
International Roaming BEREC Benchmark Data Report July 2012 – March 2013 |
BEREC International Roaming Compliance Report (Regulation (EU) No 531/512 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 June 2012 on roaming) |
Documents approved for public consultation: |
Draft BEREC 2014 Work Programme |
The BEREC Chair, Dr Leonidas Kanellos, presented the outcome from the meeting at a public debriefing on 3 October 2013 in Brussels. The presentation of Dr Kanellos is available here.
Management Committee of the BEREC Office
The Management Committee of the BEREC Office during its meeting considered all issues related to the functioning of the BEREC Office and approved the 2014 BEREC Office Work Programme.
3 October 2013
BEREC Office