1st BEREC Stakeholder Forum Meeting
On 25 September 2013, in Riga, BEREC held the 1st meeting of the BEREC Stakeholder Forum, organised in compliance with a decision of the Board of Regulators of May 2013, with a view to strengthening the dialogue between BEREC and the relevant Stakeholders on issues of strategic importance.
The meeting was attended by high-level representatives of the National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) with primary responsibility for overseeing the day-to-day operation of the markets for electronic communications networks and services established in the EU member states, the EFTA states and the states that are candidates for accession to the EU, the European Commission and association at European level representing active in the fields of competence of BEREC.
The meeting was dedicated to 2 main topics considered during 2 sessions, as follows:
Session No 1: "The electronic communications markets in Europe - the vision and challenges for the medium and long term"
Session No 2: "Quality of service and transparency - the consumer perspective to broadband use"
The presentations made during the meeting, as well as information on the outcome of the 1st BEREC Stakeholder Forum meeting, are presented below.